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The Project

In the last decades, we see a lot of changes in society, in areas which influence the lives of our young ones.  The European Commission advises that society demands collaborative, problem-solving and communication skills, critical thinking, digital literacy, creativity, entrepreneurship and the ability to learn by self. These abilities will contribute to our future life and new ideas, theories, products and know-how (European Council, 2018a).  The development and strengthening of STEAM, digital skills and language/communication skills is the goal of the project.  Specifically:
- developing language skills in native and English language of educators (new innovative approach, like learning STEAMrelated vocabulary and utilize it)
- involving English learning in kindergarten by students from primary school as a new approach
- developing digital skills of educators and simultaneously children by using computational thinking concepts and with the aid of IT and robotics (suggested tools: CS unplugged, robots like Lego, bee bots, Scratch Jr.,, cubetto, 3D printing, virtual reality, code and go, etc.)
- STEAM-related skills and literacy by various scientific approaches towards learning about nature and science and developing the related vocabulary
- developing informal ways of professional competencies of educators, which is obligatory in 5 European countries
- strengthen the quality of early childhood care and education by purchasing and active application of new technological and IT tools

Teachers and children are part of everyday activities using STEAM and English language by means of IT tools, robotics, coding, problem-solving, creativity, collaborative work, structured work, experiments, observing natural phenomena, learning about nature, sharing on Twinspace (database of
project results - materials, documentation) and in an online project journal, which will be a summary of undertaken activities, open for the public.
The project involves kindergarten and primary school teachers, children from participating kindergartens and partner kindergartens, parents of children, professionals from higher education institutions, the local community and the wider professional and non-professional audience. 
Six European schools organize international workshops for teachers and 2 for students. Each workshop has a topic related to STEAM with digital tools, IT and English vocabulary. Pre-planned and concrete pedagogical activities, organized in concert with partners, professionals from higher educational institutions and parents, offer children genuine experiences of participation. 


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