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1st Virtual Meeting

On 17th November, we started with our job shadowing part and partners through Zoom had an opportunity to experience and shadow the music lessons in preschool and 1.-3rd grade classes. 

This was a new experience, and we found ways how to connect, how to make job shadowing virtually and additionally have a chat discussion where everyone could ask a question and get it answered. 


​Virtual activities tend to be a challenge and it is a diffirent part then meeting in person and feeling the atmosphere in the environment. 
Through out of the day within WhatsApp group we as hosting partners for the first meeting did share the videos of school, made school excursion, getting arround and getting to know the space as virtually as possible. 


On 25th November, we had our meeting about learning the tricks of eTwinning. 


One of the project tools we are using and will be using is Twinspace. It is a place where everyone can learn about what has been done, the outcomes and activities of the projects. 


One of the aims has been to increase the digital competence and ability of teachers and educators to use eTwinning as a part of the education process and project implementation and development tools. 


Therefore we had a virtual meeting where we learned about eTwinning, TwinSpace. 




As usual in this time when travelling is not possible, we are getting to know each other via Zoom. 

At first, we started with an introduction and we had homework to prepare 3 things about ourselves, where 2 are truth and 1 is a lie. 

We are sharing with you some of our facts, and we learned that one of the things that unites many of us is fear of heights, so no high buildings in future mobilities (we all hope we will get there) 

Another tool we used was PickerWheel, where we got together questions that we would like to know about each other. 

This is one way how we can interact together virtually; spinning the wheel gets everyone excited, and luck is in play for questions you get. 

Later in the meeting, we went to introduce our school in short. 

We travelled to Slovenia, Netherlands and Greece this time. 

Each school is also building their page on this eTwinning project space. 

After we got the presentations presenting the school, we did a short feedback, and some of it is shared below. 

We also agreed on the next meeting and where we will be moving. 

It is a challenging time when we are moving to virtual mobilities. We have decided to meet regularly and have slow progress in the project. 


We had another meeting online on Zoom platform, where we did presentations about our lessons and ideas in our schools and pre-schools. 

We did our presentations and discussions about the topic on 14th April 2021. 

We started with the Latvian team's presentation about the project using Photon robots, how kids are getting used to the new friend, and how exploring space and understanding coding can help. 

Nelleke explained about their activities and building maps in preschool activities. 

Another example was from a Slovenian partner about the Egg hunt they did for Easter and involved maps in their outdoor activities. 

An exciting project about mapping the school involving geometry and technologies. 

Treasure hunt also was one of the options that were presented. 

Exploring the space and environment where we live has been one of the aspects of understanding maps. 

After we did the presentations, it was time for some reflection, questions and discussion about the topic and how we could work better with it. 


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